Precious Metals Calculator

Use cautiously: This is not extensively-tested. Please be careful when using this to buy or sell precious metals.

At USD/ounce for gold,…
Bullion Gold
Over value +10% $1,412.29; +5% $1,348.10
Actual value +/-0% $1,283.90
Under value -5% $1,219.71; -10% $1,155.51
At USD/ounce for silver,…
Bullion Silver
Over value +10% $20.22; +5% $19.30
Actual value +/-0% $18.38
Under value -5% $17.46; -10% $16.54
‘Junk’ Silver
Over value +10% $14.63; +5% $13.96
Actual value +/-0% $13.30
Under value -5% $12.63; -10% $11.97

Static (for reference)

Dynamic Spots (change 1×/minute)

You can find historic silver data on

Here are some more interactive gold and silver charts.

Your Coins
Gold (oz) × $1,283.90/oz. =
Silver (oz) × $18.38/oz. =
90% Silver
Dimes × $1.33/ea. = $0.00
Quarters × $3.32/ea. = $545.11
Halves × $6.65/ea. = $1,196.62
Dollars × $14.22/ea. = $0.00
35 – 40% Silver
Halves × $2.72/ea. = $0.00
Dollars × $5.81/ea. = $0.00
Nickels × $1.03/ea. = $0.00
Coins by type total value: $1,741.72. Selling at 90%: $1,654.64, at 95%: $1,567.55; buying at 105%: $1,828.81, at 110%: $2,002.98
All values returned are based on melt value. This will undervalue small denominations of gold (e.g. 1/2, 1/4, 1/10 oz.).
The value of your precious metal $1,741.72

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Subject: Metals -- Sum: $1,741.72; Au: $1,283.90; Ag: $18.38
Email Content:
Metals -- Sum: $1,741.72; Au: $1,283.90; Ag: $18.38
164 × 90% quarters ($545.11)
180 × 90% halves ($1,196.62)
Total: $1,741.72