Sites and Samples
Welcome to my projects page. These are some previous sites and web applications that I’ve designed or developed or both. I am still maintaining most of these actively. For more information, check out my blog.
Kansas Amber Plan (Amber Alert)
Kansas Amber Plan had been a pretty simple html design, and displayed poorly on mobile devices. I redesigned the interface of the site/application to be "mobile-first". I was responsible for the design and implementation of the user interface, as well as other navigation and UX decisions. We used Bootstrap 3 and other tools. Additionally, I created the artwork for the site (e.g. the banner, and vector reproduction of the KBI agency logo). To keep their branding consistent, I also created a banner for their Twitter account (@ksamberalert). Of course, there are a number of things that go on behind the scenes, like the favicon, optimally-ordered html, and additional "polish".
Technologies: Bootstrap, Sass, RWD, CSS, jQuery
Topeka Festival Singers
I built this site from scratch. The most important feature was the online ticket purchasing. I set them up with a PayPal account, and built the ticket links to dynamically generate the PayPal cart pages. I also refresh the site’s artwork each season, in keeping with the printed brochure that they commission elsewhere. Additionally, within the past couple of seasons, I moved the site over to a home-brewed responsive theme.
Technologies: CSS, PHP, RWD
Shawnee County (recently “refreshed”)
Shawnee County’s web properties (including Shawnee Sheriff, Parks and Recreation, the Health Agency, and others) used to all have their own distinct layouts and features. I redesigned the sites, and brought them all under one roof. I eventually moved them over from Server-side HTML (SHTML) to MS Active Server Pages (ASP), and improved our Page Rank on Google by rerouting traffic based on the requested assets (using HTTP 301 rerouting) to bring all Sheriff requests through, all main county assets through, (discontinuing our use of, etc. I built programmatic features allowing agencies to post News Releases, better listing and display of the the Sheriff’s Most Wanted, and more. I assisted agencies with their implementation of web applications (like some baseball scheduling software for Parks and Recreation), etc. I focused continually on accessibility (for the sake of mobile devices, low-vision users, search engines, and other automated user agents). I built a mapping application for Recycling (now Solid Waste). Additionally, I rebuilt the Commission Agendas and Minutes page to be much more robust using ASP. I helped many organizations to set up Twitter accounts (e.g. Elections).
Technologies: CSS, DOM Scripting, jQuery, Legacy ASP, MSSQL
Danny’s Car Care
Danny’s Car Care is another site that was built from the ground up. It is a pretty straightforward informative site with a feedback page. Without using any spam filtering software, or CAPTCHA-type technologies, I was able to keep spam to 0% (with no false positives)* by including a radio button input that is not displayed to users who visit with standard browsers. *Admittedly, the sample size is still below 1,000, and only so reliable.
Technologies: CSS, jQuery, PHP, MySQL
Additional Sites
Here are some additional sites that I built:
- Good Books Free: ‘earmarks’
CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Cookies (used for ‘earmarks’ … additionally, migrating to MySQL in development) - Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Topeka
WordPress with Divi Theme Plugin - Topeka Airheads
CSS, RWD - John Burke’s Rare Coins and Collectibles
CSS, PHP - Heartland Woods
PHP, Sass, RWD
Additionally, this page was built with simple HTML5, CSS3, Sass, Bootstrap 3, and some PHP.
Enjoy and Thanks,