Psalm Picker

Check the console for an eyeful. And remember that .val() turns almost everything into a string. BTW, the following paragraph is p#test:


console.log(false + ' - ' + typeof false);
console.log($('p#test').val() + ' - ' + typeof $('p#test').val());
console.log($('p#test').val() + ' - ' + typeof $('p#test').val());
console.log($('p#test').val() + ' - ' + typeof $('p#test').val());
console.log($('p#test').val() + ' - ' + typeof $('p#test').val());
console.log($('p#test').val() + ' - ' + typeof $('p#test').val());
console.log($('p#test').val() + ' - ' + typeof $('p#test').val());
console.log($('p#test').val() + ' - ' + typeof $('p#test').val());
console.log($('p#test').val() + ' - ' + typeof $('p#test').val());
console.log($('p#test').val() + ' - ' + typeof $('p#test').val());
console.log($('p#test').val() + ' - ' + typeof $('p#test').val());

if($('p#test').val() != true){
  console.log("The hidden button is not ticked.\nSo, the middle tabs should be visible.");
  console.log("The hidden button is ticked.\nSo, the middle tabs should not be visible.");
if('false' == false){
  console.log('The world exploded: "false" == false.')
if('true' == true){
  console.log('The world exploded: "true" == true.')
  console.log('!!\'true\' is Truthy.')
  console.log('\'true\' is Truthy.')